Unlock My Potential
One of the reasons that I had to stop working was because of health problems. I came back weary after work and I found myself unable to do anything. Now I am not working but recently I had to go to my oriental hospital for treatment. I had lost my body balance and a few parts of my body were not working properly.
The doctor said I had burned my motor.
It was true. I couldn’t stop doing something from dawn till dusk at my desk. I was still in the bad habit of overdoing it. As he said, my motor is my kidney.
When we lose the power of our kidneys, our waist, shoulders, jaws and even head are impacted by that. I had pain in my pelvis and shoulders and I couldn’t open my jaw wide due to the pain.
Just one session of acupuncture and my pain was completely gone. I was astonished and really craved to unlock the secret of my body’s mechanism.
What GOOD is it once I lose my health even if I have lots of money and time and even fame?
The breath is like a mirror that shows you what state you are in.
All the activities we do leave behind toxic residue and breathing is the key to regain new energy.
There are a lot of methods for breathing practice such as Navyseal breathing, Pranayama, Buteyko etc. I drilled down into a variety of methods of breathing and then I encountered the Wim Hof Method. It was the one which gave me the most dramatic change.
Wim Hof is a man who is called ‘Iceman’. He climbed Mt. Everest barefoot and wearing only shorts. For decades he has immersed himself in an icy pond every single day.
The Wim Hof Method is so simple.
Cold exposure, conscious breathing and the power of the mind.
After reading his book enthusiastically, I gave it a try.
It was amazing and fantastic.
Just after a few rounds of breathing, I could feel that my body was awakening and recharging. For a brand new day, I start by taking a cold shower. When we take a cold shower, all of the little muscles on our vascular system are activated and exercised. It ignites my innate energy, more than that, I can silence myself and it feels so good. I can do anything as much as I want without fatigue.
This is an innate power we all possess. My body changes are the sheer evidence of how his method is powerful and universal.
It was like a magic pill. When it comes to pills, I am a very tricky person. I never try unproven pills including vitamin or nutritional supplements because my body is so precious and I don’t want to be a guinea pig for their marketing. But he was not selling snake oil.
As he said, we are limited only by the depth of our imagination and the strength of our conviction. All we need is ourselves and a desire to unlock our body’s hidden potential, not only just to survive but also to thrive like a blooming flower.
We’ve lost our innate ability to treat our body on our own. And we have a very strong perception that diseases and aging are inevitable. However, our ancestors didn’t think like that. They believed our bodies are renewable and it’s all within our grasp.
Yoga means connection. Oriental medicine is based on comprehending all the connections of our vascularity and energy.
Our body is a map to understand how our body and the world are meant to be.
Too much exploitation eventually results in our bodies and the world running out of all resources. One thing I’ve learned from suffering is that cutting myself some slack is the key to continuing my health and happiness, even my work.
I am just at the beginning of getting into how my body works and how much potential I have.
I hope you also enjoy your own journey.